Praying for the unborn and their Mothers:
In a nutshell, before Jesus redeemed me, I had a colourful life.
It was filled with witchcraft and the occult; and at the age of 15 I aborted my first pregnancy.
Honestly, although I have peace now and I know the Lord has forgiven me, it still really stings when I think about it; Particularly remembering the part when I awoke during the procedure!
It’s most certainly something that I will never forget.
Now, from my own experience, it has since created a deeper love for those experiencing such warfare regarding the life or the death of their unborn child.
Wherever the Mother is within her life and the world, is potentially how she will think about herself and her ability to actually Mother the child and how she may view the unborn life within her.
In my own experience, I was only 15 and was guided by my parent in which I thought at the time knew better.
I had no spiritual direction, no TRUE or solid understanding of my Creator, who He is, who I am and why I came to be in the first place.
This is detrimental!
With the lack of God, Our One and Only True Creator within our lives and the understanding of True spiritual awareness - there’s a real disconnection with life, it’s True being, it’s True importance, it’s True Creation and its True sacredness.
This is how the devil has lead humanity to abortion in the first place.
He has preyed on those that are misunderstanding and spiritually malnourished and weak.
Therefore, has desensitised humanity towards abortion and the sacredness of human life, regardless of size or location.
This is by no fault of the Mother.
An abortion doesn’t just end the life of the unborn - it wounds the Mother too.
This is exactly why we MUST pray for both the unborn AND their Mothers!
”Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you.”
”My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately wrought in the depths of the earth.”
“You formed my inmost being; you knit me in my mothers womb.”
Where does conception come from? Where does human life come from? apart from the physical vessel of a man and woman? We haven’t just appeared from no where.
We are spiritual beings within a physical reality.
Firstly, life begins in the spirit!
Life begins from God! The One and Only True Creator of all that is. He knows us before He ever forms us physically within our Mother’s wombs.
Life begins in the natural (physical) at conception.
Life begins exactly in God’s plan and in God’s timing.
All life is sacred and in that, He has entrusted us the noble mission to safeguard His creation from the very moment of conception.
There’s a spiritual battle and the devil is on a mission to steal, kill and destroy all of what God has created - the very first beginnings of the unborn and the spiritual lives and callings on our children.
It’s up to us to pray. Call upon our Lord Jesus Christ and the intercession of our Blessed Mother - “seek ye first the Kingdom of God” to protect them at all costs.
And for the Mothers. We hold the Mothers too.
We pray for conversions, their foundation and the truth within spirituality, their awareness of their Creator.
His love and forgiveness for them and their receptivity to receiving His love and forgiveness and all that He is for them.
We pray for support systems, resources, their mental/emotional health, their physical health, for communities to come in love and kindness to guide them through and again, for their receptivity for the help that most feel they don’t deserve.
We pray for the Mothers grieving and in guilt post abortion.
We pray for their joy in redeemed lives.
We pray for their healing, mind, body and soul.
We pray for the increase of love to surround these Mothers and that they are able to receive and accept the love and forgiveness of God within their lives.
Abortion will not be cast out by our own knowledge that abortion is evil, but with our TRUE spiritual awareness of God and His Creation; and with our own conviction that all life is created by God, our Creator and at every stage of human life, regardless of size or location, is sacred and is always created for a very specific purpose.
“The Lord has made everything for its purpose.”
The devil’s work will be destroyed when we remember that Man was created in the image of God.
Answering such a call becomes all the easier when we remember what’s at stake: the life of a child depends on us, firstly in prayer. The praying mothers. The Mother’s of Lu.
Another personal experience that I thought I would share with you.
The Lord randomly reminded me of my life before Jesus had redeemed me and what I was a witness of.
I had studied Biomedical science and was working within one of Australia’s biggest hospitals within the Histology laboratory.
My job was preparing specimens for cut up preparation and storage - which meant we would get all sorts of tissue and body parts in for potential diagnoses.
We also received aborted babies - I would receive the suction bag full of baby legs, arms, skull - body pieces. Again, although I wasn’t redeemed in Christ as yet, every time I received one of these suction bags my stomach would drop.
One day, we received a whole baby though the laboratory that had just been dropped into a bucket and left within the “cut up” room. I was unaware of this until I was going through specimens during the morning and come across this baby.
I was that disturbed that I called my Senior Scientist in and told him of my disgust, and that this was inhumane and this baby should have been prepped for the mortuary, not left in the “cut up” room in a bucket.
It was not until now that I realise the gruesome reality of what happens behind the scenes that I had been a witness to, toward aborted or even still born/lifeless babies.
It is today that I now understand, redeemed within Christ of my purpose here.. the purpose of my witness to such barbaric, inhumane practices….